I’m Very Pregnant.

My irascible, squished bladder woke me at 4 am this morning. When I woke up again at 6:30 I peed on another stick. Then this happened:

Yep. Pregnant.

Because it was so damn dark, I wasn’t really worried about the beta. As it turns out, I shouldn’t be. They just called with the results and my beta is at 508 at 13 DPO. The betabase tells me I’m nearly off the charts for both a single, twin or triplet pregnancy. Holy balls.

(There is no way I am going to google abnormally high betas. Not going to do it.)

My RE is putting me on progesterone injections and suppositories as well as estrogen. Fine by me. Let’s keep this little guy growing until the babe’s placenta can take over. Let’s do this. I’m ready.


Affordable Fertility Pharmacies.

I’ve started my spreadsheet of affordable fertility pharmacies. As it stands, the most affordable US pharmacies are Towndrugstore.com, Walgreens Specialty, Alexander’s Twin, Freedom Fertility and Rosemont. These prices were quoted to me the week of November, 12 2012. As you can see below, I only included medications that we will be using for an IUI injectable cycle. The prices apply to all-cash patients. If you have time on your side,  I would highly recommend ordering from Fertility2U or IVFmeds.com. They are both UK based pharmacies and their prices are up to 50% cheaper including shipping. Shipping can take up to 14 business days. Continue reading